
BarakSaz Store (hereinafter: “the Store”) is an online store located under the sole responsibility of Yochai Barak (hereinafter: “the Company” and / or “BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak”).

About sales

  1. BarakSaz is the importer of a variety of store products.
  2. For each product or service offered for sale, a “sales page” is displayed that includes the details of the product or service offered for sale, the sale price, the warranty on the product, if any, and more. (Hereinafter “the sales page”).
  3. To place an order, select a product, order it and enter the customer’s details and means of payment.
  4. Immediately after the operation, the credit card details will be checked. The order will be recorded on BarakSaz’s computers, Yochai Barak. A confirmation of the transaction will also be sent by email within 48 hours of the end of the sale process.
  5. It is important to clarify that when a customer card is opened and the customer’s approval will be included in BarakSaz’s database Yochai Barak and will not be used without the customer’s approval.
  6. It will be clarified and emphasized that sending the e-mail does not constitute evidence of an action and does not obligate BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak. Registry computer recorded BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak constitute conclusive evidence of the correctness of operations
  7. billing the customer for the cost of the product or service purchased by him will be made by credit card or by PAY PAL Call-only. You can not pay by any other means, including checks, etc.
  8. Know: Submission of false details is a criminal offense and if it does, criminal and civil legal proceedings are expected in theIn 
  9. In the event that the transaction is not approved by the credit card companies, the customer will receive appropriate notice. In order to complete the purchase, the customer will be required to contact the customer service center by telephone in order to arrange the approval of the credit companies to carry out the transaction. It will be clarified and emphasized, an action will be considered perfect only after the credit details are provided by the customer. In such a case, the delivery dates will be calculated only from the date of approval of the transaction by the credit card company. If the customer has not acted to arrange the approval within 7 days from the date of receipt of the notification of the credit companies’ refusal to grant approval for the transaction, BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak will be entitled to cancel the order and charge him a cancellation fee legally.
  10. BarakSaz provides content and specifications for the various products, which are based on the content and specifications of the manufacturers’ companies, tailored to the Israeli audience.
  11. Remember: The Consumer Protection Law, 5741-1981 (hereinafter: “the Consumer Protection Law”), states that if you choose to cancel the transaction not due to a defect in the property that is the subject of the contract or transaction, or due to a mismatch between the property or the service and the details given to you, may BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak charge you a cancellation fee of up to 5% of the product that you have purchased or 50 USD, whichever is less. If the product has left our warehouse, postage will be reduced from the refund.

Method of sale

  1. Product sale will be at a fixed price while stocks last.
  2. the customer selects a product (we recommend you review the sales page before making a purchase) and completing the purchase in accordance with the site.

selling dates

  1. products can be purchased 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, while supplies last.

Supply / Delivery of products

  1. BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak will take care of delivering any product purchased by you on the website (subject to available stock) to an address in Israel, which was typed in the customer card when it was opened or to an alternative address that was entered when closing the order. Delivery time varies according to the product (As decided by BarakSaz depending on the size of the product), and depending on the available stock of the product. A product that has left Bar warehouses akSaz Yochai Barak will reach the buyer within 14 to 30 business days by the shipping service determined by BarakSaz. The products will be delivered within the Green Line only. In cases of deliveries to small settlements, there may be a delay in the arrival of the shipment. If the product is not available in stock for delivery within 14 days as stated, the transaction will be canceled at the customer’s request or the customer will be given the option to replace the product under the same conditions as the original product purchased.
  2. BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak undertakes to provide only a product that has been paid for in full by credit card as detailed below.
  3. BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak will not be responsible for any delay or delay in delivery and/or non-delivery caused as a result of force majeure and/or events beyond its control, including strikes, strikes, natural disasters, state of war, etc.
  4. BarakSaz Yohai Barak will be in restricted areas for access The customer is responsible for informing BarakSaz that the place to which the product was ordered is restricted for safety reasons. If the customer does not notify and the delivery is delayed or delayed, all return shipping costs will apply to the customer. The
  5. delivery fees listed on the website are not referring to compliance and/or shipping abroad. Transportation significant deviation transport high floors without the possibility of lead by lift and/or transport requiring additional manpower and/or special measures and/or products weights exceptions that require special transport.
  6. In the case of nonstandard delivery and / Or delivery outside Israel BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak may charge an additional fee for the fee charged for regular transportation
  7. . Delivery times for the products/services as indicated on the sales page include only the calculation of business days (Sundays to Thursdays, not including Fridays, Saturdays Arab festival holidays).
  8. Bar akSaz offers free shipping as a benefit to buyers through the site only.
  9. The shipping method will be determined by BarakSaz products. Changing how the customer request a shipping surcharge will lead him.
  10. Purchaser shall be entitled to collect product the product from warehouses BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak. For the pickup, please contact the customer service advertised on the website.
  11. When supplying the product, may BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak and/or on its behalf to demand the presence of a credit card at the time of delivery of the product, and/or presenting an ID with a credit card and/or the signature of a credit card on a break condition to deliver the product.
  12. Know: In case of a request to cancel a transaction, not due to a defect In the product subject to the contract or transaction, or due to a discrepancy between the product or the service, and the details provided to you. If the product has already been shipped, the operator must return the product closed in its original packaging, complete and/or without damage and/or damage and/or defect and/or corruption of any kind whatsoever to BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak at his expense.
  13. Customer service
  14. for questions about products displayed in stores including questions concerning the technical specifications of the product, information on operation, product liability, we invite you to contact our customer service.
  15. Customer service representatives will be happy to meet At your service, during the famous hours of operation, in any question concerning the purchase process and in all Another theme to make the shopping experience enjoyable and simple and fast.

Use of the website

  1. BarakSazYochai Barak may prevent a user from participating in sales on the website by blocking a participant in any of the following cases:
  2. The participant committed an illegal act and/or violated the provisions of the law.
  3. The participant violated any of the Terms of Use or the Terms of Use.
  4. third. The participant intentionally provided incorrect information during registration and/or afterward by telephone.
  5. The participant committed an act or omission that could harm BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak and/or anyone on its behalf and/or anyone from any third party and/or the proper operation of the site.
  6. God. The participant intends to resell the product or service in which it will gain a third party and/or trade-in it.

Maintaining the confidentiality of the user information

  1. order to purchase a product/service, you must first choose a username and personal password, which will accompany you in all purchases and / or use of the website. You will then be asked to provide additional information for the transaction, such as name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, and credit card number.
  2. Beyond the above use, BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak undertakes not to make any use of the information without your permission except in accordance with all laws and/or what is stated in this agreement and unless it is required by law or to prevent misuse.
  3. BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak takes precautions Are accepted in order to maintain, as far as possible, the confidentiality of the information. Credit card details are not stored on the company’s website but on a server approved for this purpose by the credit card companies. All other information is stored and encrypted but in cases beyond its control and/or due to force majeure, BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak will not be liable for any damage of any kind, indirect or direct, caused to you and/or anyone on your behalf with this information lost or if not used. allowed.

Cancellation of a transaction/sale and/or failure of consideration

  1. performer of the purchase operation may cancel the transaction in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law.
  2. For the convenience of the user only, the following are the conditions and the way in which the operator of the site can cancel the purchase transaction he made:
  3. In the purchase of a product – from the date of the transaction to fourteen days from the date of receipt of the product or from the date of receipt of the document containing the details stated in subsection 14C (b) of the Consumer Protection Law, whichever is later.
  4. In the purchase of a service – within fourteen days from the date of the transaction, provided that such cancellation is made at least two days, which are not rest days, prior to the date on which the service is to be provided. The 14 days cancellation possibility for service products – will apply only on products that are fully paid, and that are without a discount, a service product with a discount does not apply for a 14 days cancellation.
  5. third. In the purchase of certain items, the perpetrator will not be able to cancel the transaction, all as stated in section 14C (d) of the Consumer Protection Law.
  6. In the case of purchase of a product purchased by the customer and is sought from BarakSaz to store it in warehouses for him to be asking him or send him to tell it collected 14 days starting from the date of purchase, regardless of the date of collection and/or date of full or partial payment in respect thereof.
  7. In case of Return of a product purchased through the site is free shipping, the cost of returning the product to the customer For the avoidance of doubt, the customer is responsible for returning the product to BarakSaz.
  8. In the case of purchasing musical instruments in the store – according to consumer protection regulations (cancellation of a transaction) Deal for the purchase of musical instruments, unless the musical instrument is packed in original packaging whose packaging was not opened by the consumer, all the music is not damaged or used. Therefore, in the case of in-store purchase the product return policy conditions must be displayed in a prominent place near the checkout. Purchase by distance selling – the consumer has the right to cancel the transaction within 14 days from the date of receipt of the musical instrument or the disclosure form, provided that the musical instrument is not made to special dimensions or requirements and is not a loss of goods. For more information,
  9. cancellation of the transaction by fax and/or By e-mail
  10. notwithstanding the above The purchase of the following products can be canceled:
  11. Losing products
  12. Products that can be recorded, copied, or reproduced, that the customer has opened their original packaging.
  13. third. An electrical product that opens from its original packaging and/or is connected to electricity.
  14. Computer software opened from their original packaging.
  15. Cancellation results due to defect – Canceled a customer due to a defect in the product subject to the contract or transaction, or due to a discrepancy between the product or the service, and the details provided to him by the store, the store will refund the customer within 14 days of receiving the cancellation notice. Paid by the customer, will cancel the customer’s charge due to the transaction and will not charge the customer any cancellation fee; If the customer has received the product that is the subject of the transaction or contract, the store owner will make it available at the place where the product was delivered to him, and the same applies to any product that the customer received following the transaction or contract.
  16. Cancellation results not due to defect – If the customer cancels the transaction that was not due to a defect in the product as stated above, BarakSaz Yohai Barak will refund the customer, within 14 days of receiving the notice of cancellation, the same part of the transaction price paid by the customer, cancel the customer’s charge. You will charge the customer some amount, other than a cancellation fee at a rate that does not exceed 5% of the price of the property subject to the contract or transaction or NIS 100, whichever is lower. In addition, 20 NIS treatment fees.
  17. If the customer received the product that is the subject of the transaction or contract, he will take care of returning the product to the store, at the customer’s expense, and the same applies to any product that the customer received following the transaction or contract. It is hereby clarified that the customer will be charged in full for the delivery even if he has not yet received the product if the product that is the subject of the transaction or contract is sent from the store to the shipping company.
  18. It will be clarified and emphasized: Cancellation of the transaction, not due to a defect, as stated above, by the operator, subject to the operator returning the product that is packaged in its original packaging, complete and/or without damage and/or damage and/or defects and/or spoilage from any kind whatsoever.
  19. Know: You can not return goods after they were offered the assembly, except with the prior written consent of the store.
  20. no results revocation derogate from the right of the store to claim damages, because that product’s value has decreased as a result of a significant deterioration in his condition.
  21. provisions of this section shall not apply to The goods and services provided for in section 14C (d) of the Consumer Protection Law.
  22. The provisions of this section do not impose on BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak liability as a “dealer” in accordance with the Consumer Protection
  23. Law.BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak may cancel a transaction and/or sale in whole or in part:
  24. in the case fell to the proposal by mistakes, whether the price of the product and whether the product description;
  25. in the case of force majeure, acts of war, hostilities, or terrorism motivated to continue selling its implementation or participation in the sale properly.
  26. If it turns out that her employment and/or selling Accompanied by the illegal activity of the winners and/or any of them and/or any third party
  27. If it becomes clear to BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak that the winner may resell the product or service in which he won the party Joe and/or trade-in it.
  28. Notice of cancellation of the sale will be given to buyers by phone and/or in writing to the address indicated on the customer’s card when registering for the sale.
  29. If after the end of the sale it is discovered that the product and/or service has run out of stock, BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak may cancel the sale or offer an equivalent alternative product. Cancellation of such sale BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak and/or those on its behalf will not be responsible and will not bear any direct, indirect, consequential, or special damage caused to the user or third party including but not only damage due to the purchase of the product and/or service by a third party at a higher price.

Failure of consideration

  1. BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak undertake that in the event of cancellation of a transaction by users due to failure of consideration full, will BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak to provide a replacement product, equivalent, after receiving written notice from the Purchaser, the cancellation and the reasons for the cancellation of the said transaction.
  2. Failed BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak To provide an appropriate replacement product, the buyer has the full amount of money actually paid by him, provided that the buyer cancels the transaction with the credit company and sends BarakSaz Yohai Barak, a statement signed by him, including details of all payments he made.

Additional terms

  1. All information and presentations on the site regarding products and brands. Their quality and quality have been handed over to BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak by the manufacturers’ suppliers, manufacturers, and importers, and are the sole and full responsibility of the latter.
  2. If there is a clerical error in the product description, this will not obligate BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak. The images of the products on the site are for illustration purposes only and there may be differences between the images displayed on the site, some or all of them, and the products actually sold.
  3. BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak and/or anyone acting on its behalf will not be liable or liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or special damages caused to the user or a third party, as a result of using or purchasing through the site not in accordance with these terms – whatever the cause of claim – including loss of income And/or denial of profit that will be caused for any reason, then BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak reserves the right to cancel the specific purchase in a written notice to the customer. In addition, BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak will not be responsible for the assembly and/or installation of products purchased on the site and this warranty will apply to the customer only and at his expense.
  4. In addition, the customer will be solely responsible for the maintenance and service required for the product purchased by him through the site, unless otherwise stated.

Intellectual Property

  1. The verbal content and icons and/or any information and/or display appearing on the site, including graphics, design, verbal presentation, trademarks, logos, and the editing and presentation of these, are exclusively owned by BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak
  2. Copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, or otherwise use the content appearing on the site unless BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak has given her consent, in writing and in advance.
  3. The display of the stores, products, and/or services on this site as an opinion which the character or nature by BarakSaz/ Yochai Barak.
  4. The store’s computer records regarding the activities undertaken through the Site shall constitute prima facie evidence of the correctness of operations.
  5. The Company may update the Terms at any time. TLH The


  1. use of the site and these terms of use are subject to the laws of the State of Israel.

Additional comments

  1. The purpose of the course sold on the site is to teach you the principles of playing a string instrument called a saz /.
  2. barmaYour understanding or playing as always the course.The
  3. decisions made and the application of the material learned by the course purchaser are the sole responsibility of the course purchaser and it is known that we can not determine for him the level of control of the tool he will reach after completing the course.
  4. We see our role as responsible for providing you with the highest level of information and content in order to take your playing to the next level. No information or lesson provided on our sites is a guarantee of certain results.